Medical Missions in Mongolia
Mongolian-Canadian Project
Enhancing healthcare through education
Mission Statement
Education is the cornerstone to improving access to healthcare for all Mongolians.
Mongolia, with a population of 3.1 million is the most sparsely populated country in the world. Access to healthcare is very challenging for many Mongolians.
Geography, great distances, a harsh environment and lack of roads create significant barriers to providing care. The advantage, however, is that a small population makes this goal realistic.
Our projects can and have made a difference. Eliminating/reducing barriers is accomplished through education and bringing care to the Mongolians, regardless of where they live.
Our goal is to provide the best Medical/Surgical teaching and service that we can to the people of Mongolia.
Teaching is the cornerstone of the project and the team’s experienced surgeons and nurses reflect this commitment. Working alongside and under the guidance of our Mongolian healthcare colleagues ensures that the projects that we undertake are in the best interests of the Mongolian patients. Long-term commitment from both parties is a requirement.
“We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.”
— Winston Churchill
How we function
There are no employees at Laurel Surgical Foundation, nor are the Mongolian Mission Team Members paid. All participants volunteer their time freely with no expectation of compensation.
Self-funded team members and support of the Canadian Medical resources enable us to maintain the flexibility to best meet the needs of the Mongolian healthcare community.
The team composition is determined prior to each mission according to the needs identified by our Mongolian colleagues.